Menurut fans Tamashi : Rise of Yokai, menggunakan MuMu Player untuk main Tamashi : Rise of Yokai di PC, layar yang lebih besar serta bentuk gambar yang lebih baik akan secara jelas meningkatkan pengalaman bermain Anda. Merealisasikan dukungan keymap penuh serta pengendalian yang tepat sasaran, menghindari batasan baterai HP ataupun data seluler. Hanya dengan menggunakan MuMu Player akan memenuhi seluruh permintaan Anda.
MuMu Player adalah emulator android terunggul, yang akan menjadi perangkat penggerak Android virtual di PC Anda, juga dapat memberikan pengalaman bermain yang paling baik, hanya menggunakan sedikit ruang memori, dan mendukung frame tinggi. Selain itu, dengan bantuan fitur multi-open MuMu Player, Anda dapat membuka banyak akun game dengan satu PC. Emulatornya yang terbaru ini mendukung seluruh game HP yang populer saat ini, dan bahkan tetap dapat berfungsi dengan lancar di PC kelas bawah. Gunakan MuMu Player saat ini juga di PC kamu untuk download dan main Tamashi : Rise of Yokai. Segera nikmati waktu bermain game Anda yang menyenangkan ini.
Login to get Tamashi: Flor and The Exclusive Title Demon Slayer. Let Flor be with you on this epic adventure! Tamashi: Rise of Yokai is anime-style 3D MMOARPG, where you can cross path and fight side-by-side with all kinds of yokai and guardian spirits called Tamashi. The game offers an immersive experience of becoming a demon slayer in a magnificent yet dangerous world, featuring cute characters, fine-tuned action system, and stunning visual effects. Call up your friends and start your adventure now! Become the demon slayer of Glamland, a beautiful place where the human, god, and yokai lived their peaceful lives until the Demon King awakened from the long slumber. Following his lead, the depraved yokai, known as the demons, engaged their hellish incursion towards Glamland. The time has come when the good yokai, god, and human must rejoin their power to confront the darkness… [Game Features] Hit the road with Yokai and Tamashi Meet up with all kinds of Yokai and Tamashi on your way fending off the evil menace. These creatures are more than just cute mascots or sidekicks! Fight your way through the Tamashi Trial to get more of them! Battle to heart’s content, with friends Rack up kills and snatch victory in thrilling battles of Peak Arena, D. Warzone, Clan war, and other PVP modes. You can either become a lone wolf or hunt your opponents in a pack, just follow your battle instinct and carve out your way of combat! Engage in Food Brawl Devour your opponents in the special “Battle Royale” Food Brawl! In this mode where everyone starts fair, your only goal is to fill your belly by scrambling for food scattered over the field, and of course, devouring your opponents. But don’t let up! You will get slower as you weigh up, making it easier for you to fall prey to others. Try your best to be the one who weighs up most before time runs out! Embark on your love adventure Nothing can be more romantic to go on a Love Adventure with your lover—at least that’s how it goes in Glamland—following the grand wedding in witness of the whole server, and the exclusive titles only for the both of you. Are you ready to meet you true love? He or she might be just around the corner! All roads lead to power There are all kinds of ways to get you powered up: Gear, Outfit, Aide, Akuse, Spiritlic, Image… each follows a completely independent gameplay experience. Feel free to pick the paths that suit you most. It’s all up to you.
Memiliki Skema Smart Key dan fitur scan gambar, memberikan UI yang lebih mudah dan jelas, serta mendukung keymap personalisasi, memenuhi berbagai permintaan.
Dalam waktu bersamaan menjalankan berbagai game dan aplikasi tunggal, dengan mudah mengatur berbagai akun, main game dan AFK sama sekali tidak terganggu.
Merekam gerakan ribet dalam sekaligus, hanya dengan menekan mouse sekali secara perlahan, maka dapat langsung membebaskan kedua tangan, dan mengelola skrip tertentu secara otomatis.
Menerobos batasan frame rate, tanpa latensi, tanpa penundaan, nikmati kualitas gambar 120fps.
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Cara mengunduh Tamashi : Rise of Yokai di PC
① Unduh dan instal MuMu Player di komputer Anda
② Setelah menjalankan MuMu Player, kunjungi Play Store dengan akun Google Anda
③ Cari Tamashi : Rise of Yokai di Pusat Aplikasi
④ Masuk ke Google (jika Anda melewatkan langkah kedua) lalu instal Tamashi : Rise of Yokai
⑤ Setelah instalasi selesai, klik ikon game untuk memulai game
⑥ Silakan bermain Tamashi : Rise of Yokai sepuasnya dengan MuMu Player di komputer Anda
Rekomendasi Konfigurasi
Rekomendasi dijalankan dengan Emulator MuMu
Disarankan konfigurasi komputer: CPU4core + RAM 4G + Sistem i5 + graphics card GTX750Ti+
Perlu menjalankan VT >> Bagaimana menjalankan VT
Disarankan pengaturan kinerja: 2core2G
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Mode rendering graphic card boleh kecepatan tinggi ataupun kompatibel