Ways to solve Download Error: environment problem

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Ways to solve Download Error: environment problem
Waktu pembaruan terakhir:2021-05-20

Way to solve Download Error: environment problem0

When you download the emulator, you encounter "Download Error: environment problem", please refer to the following guide to solve the problem:

1. Press the Windows and R key on your keyboard at the same time. Type sysdm.cpl into the input field and hit Enter or press Ok.

Way to solve Download Error: environmen problem1

2. In the new window that opens, click on the Advanced tab and afterwards on the Environment Variables button in the bottom right of the window.

Way to solve Download Error: environmen problem2

3. After copying the TEMP value, double-click TMP, paste the copied TEMP value and save it. Make sure the two values are the same. 

Way to solve Download Error: environmen problem3

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